Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Brighten Up for CAFOD
    Thank you so much for all your kind donations of food bank items and money for CAFOD.
  • Brighten Up for CAFOD
    Don't forget to come in your bright clothes today.
  • Year 1 Maths
    This week we have continued learning to add using the part whole model.
  • Pumpkin Party Fun!
    A great day was had by all on Friday in the EYFS unit. We had so much fun only a few photos were taken, whoops!
  • Year 5’s tasty scones rise to the occasion
    You'd butter believe it! This week, as part of our Design and Technology (DT) curriculum, the children have been busy designing and baking their own scones.
  • EYFS fun!
    Thank you for all your lovely efforts.
  • EYFS Photos and homework
    Reception photos and homework on their class page. Minis photos on their class page too.
  • Year 6 - Science
    In science this week we have been looking at plants
  • Year 6 - Prayer and Liturgy
    It was lovely to share our RE topic work with Parents on Monday.
  • Reception & Minis Nursery
    On the Pumpkin Party day your child may wear anything of their choice, please be aware the children will be painting, baking, and using pens and scissors though.
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