Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

Holiday requests


Pupil Attendance – Leave in Term Time

The Government has amended key legislation relating specifically to the authorisation of leave in term time which comes into force on 1st September 2013. This decision has been made to encourage schools to take a firmer stance on unnecessary absence and to dispel the myth held by many parents that there is an entitlement to time off school for holidays in term time.


As of 1st September 2013 Headteachers cannot authorise any leave of absence during term time unless they are satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances to warrant the granting of leave. 

As a result of these changes the Governing Body has taken the decision to make the following changes to our school attendance policy and procedures:

  • A new request for leave form has been produced. This outlines procedures for Penalty Notices for unauthorised holidays and asks for employer details in the case of work being cited as the reason for request. This form is available on request only.
  • Valid reason for authorised leave will be strictly exceptional circumstances.
  • Requests must come from the parent the child lives with the majority of the time.

We appreciate that the vast majority of our parents never request leave in term time. We hope all parents will acknowledge and understand the limitations placed on schools in granting any leave in term time. Therefore, we need parents to support the school in our efforts to reduce unnecessary absence and thus minimise the impact on the education of our pupils.