Catholic Life
The school community has many elements. It is these elements working together that give our school the family feel that parents constantly tell us they like. Father Ian and the parish catechists are well known to the children by the time they come to receive the Holy Sacraments in Year 4.
Parents are are very much a part of the school community and we welcome their involvement in school in may different ways e.g. to watch RE Celebrations and class showcase assemblies, by supporting charitable ventures, through the PTFA, by volunteering or being a governor. Parents are the first educators of their child and are key to a child's academic and emotional success. Throughout their child's school career, parents will have many opportunities to further their own skills so that they can best support their children. We consider the triangle of support and love provided by our parents, our school and our church to be of utmost importance.
In school we use the Come and See curriculum to teach RE and 10% of our curriculum time is dedicated to teaching it. The Come and See curriculum can be seen on our curriculum pages under the key information tab. We ask that parents support their children through their faith journey both in school and in life generally.
Children have the opportunity to regularly attend Mass throughout the year and are involved in ways appropriate to their age through reading, the offertory, as servers, by singing and writing prayers of intercession. Our church is also a special place where the children learn more about their faith during RE curriculum time by teachers planning for visits that will provide first hand experiences that enhance their understanding.
Church is also used for our Carol Service, Collective Worships and Stations of the Cross reflection visits during Holy Week
As we are next door to church we go there often and have Masses there regularly. Our links with the church are very strong and we work together with Father Ian and the parish catechists to prepare the children for the sacraments. Year 4 is a particularly busy year as children receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in this year. We then support Father in keeping the children involved in church life.
To go to the parish website please click here.
We are extremely lucky to have strong links with our SVP group (St Vincent de Paul) and they kindly pay for a residential retreat at Castlerigg in Keswick for our Year 5 children, In school we have our own version of SVP, the Mini Vinnies Group which is led by Mrs Woosey. This group of children take the lead on our many charitable ventures as well as design and write prayer cards for the elderly and housebound within our Parish to remind them that we are always thinking about them.