Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds


PE Days 

Monday - Swimming

Thursday - Sports with Phil


Creative Morning 

We had a lovely mornings with our parents, showcasing our ukulele talents, joining together for our collective worship and working together to sew sunglasses cases.

DT - Making torches

During our DT lessons, we have been looking at different torches, evaluating designs, carrying out research and designing our own.


Children worked very hard to create a circuit, construct their torches and decorate them. They were proud to bring them home as they all did a fantastic job. 

First Holy Communion

Children in Year 4 took their first Holy Communion on Saturday and it was wonderful to see family and friends come together to honour this very special occasion. Thank you to Father Ian for guiding us through. 


We attended Mass on Wednesday to commemorate the day and children were invited to wear their special Holy Communion outfits. We then returned to class to celebrate with an incredible cake made especially for the children, it looked and tasted amazing. 


Well done to all of the children and thank you for sharing your special day with us. 

Birds' Nests Inspired Art

Over the past few weeks in art, Year 4 have been exploring formal drawing and sculpture skills like line, mark making, shape form, balance and structure, but just as importantly exploring how it feels to make art and to know that there is no wrong or right in art.

We have looked at the work of artist Marcus Coates and explored drawing with different materials to create different styles of birds nest. Our final project was to create our own birds nest, we looked at how birds make nests, created a frame out of chicken wire and took to the field to find materials to make our nests. The children did a wonderful job. 

Finally, the children chose how to display their work on the playground and we looked at everyone's work, critiquing them. 

Year 4 Trip to Ribchester

To launch our Roman topic, Year 4 have visited the Roman museum in Ribchester.

We discovered why the Romans invaded Britain, were introduced to Boudica and learnt about how the Romans lived.


Children were given the chance to try on armour, helmets and hold shields and swords. We also explored the ruins of the granaries and of Roman Baths.


We finished our trip with a play on the park which was in the style of a Roman fort.

Cooking Stew

Over the past half term, Year 4 have been learning about stew.
We researched different types of stew (who knew that chilli was a stew!), sampled some different stews, designed our own stew, created a class recipe and finally cooked it!

We had a great time chopping and peeling vegetables, but our favourite part was the sampling. The children did a great job and produced a delicious vegetable stew, well done Year 4!

Stations of the Cross

As part of our Stations of the Cross exhibition on Monday, Year 4 have been busy preparing for their stations. We have made displays for station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross and station 9: Jesus falls the third time.

Miss Greaves challenged the children to make dioramas and they have done a wonderful job. 

Visit to Avenham and Miller Parks
Year 4 had a fantastic morning at Avenham and Miller Park. We walked through the Green Way, finding inspiration for a story setting, paused at the bridge to discuss uses and the history of the River Ribble and explored the parks.

We visited the fountain at Miller Park and speculated at the history of the abandoned manor (we later discovered it used to be a hotel), walked through the Japanese Rock Gardens, looked for koi, played on the park and ran down hills.

We have some great ideas for our writing and found out some fascinating history about the parks!

Reporting The Weather in French

In our French lessons, we have been learning how to say what the weather is like. Children then wrote their own weather report and presented them to the class.

Creating A River

We have been learning about rivers in geography and so, we set up an experiment to see if we could recreate the formation of a river.

We were able to see the water trickle down the slope, pushing sand out of its way to create a path, pool at the bottom, meander and continue to flow in a stream down hill. 


Dogs Trust Visit

Year 4 had a lovely afternoon learning about dog safety. We were visited by Sam from Dogs Trust, who brought her trusty pooch Wilf (a stuffed toy) along, to teach us about being safe around dogs and how to treat dogs. 

We learned that dogs, like children, can be sensitive and all have different feelings which we must respect. They can feel frightened or threatened and we need to make them feel safe so that they act safe around us

RE - Community

Today we reflected on our RE focus of "Community". We discussed what makes a community, the different roles within a church, how the parish helps a community and how we are part of a community. 


We enjoyed reflecting on this over a chocolate biscuit.

Greek Day

We have really enjoyed learning about the Ancient Greeks and so we spent a day immersing ourselves in the topic. We made honey cakes, sampled Greek food, made our own wreath crowns and explored the Greek alphabet. 


Year 4 have been working hard over the past six weeks learning a variety of balances, jumps, rolls and ways to travel like an animal. They have put these skills together to make a routine with a partner. 


The children shared their routines with the class this week and did a fabulous job. 

Ancient Greece

We have been enjoying learning about the Ancient Greeks over the past few weeks. We have explored ancient artefacts, learnt about famous landmarks, discovered how the Olympics began, learned that brains won over muscle in the Trojan War and had a passionate debate about whether we would prefer to live in Athens or Sparta. Athens won!