Welcome to Year 3
An Egyptian Hieroglyph Masterclass from Liverpool University.
PSHE - Learning about how worries make us feel and who can help. Thinking who our trusted adults are. Learning about Childline.
PSHE - thinking about the important things that families do for us and then, after discussion with our groups, ranking them.
Developing a tuned and untuned ostinato for Mars from Gustav Holst's Planet Suite.
Watching an orchestral performance of 'Mars' by Gustav Holst. Very powerful, dramatic and moving.
Computing - Inputs, Processes and Outputs.
Using feely bags to begin our Science topic on light.
Exploring the snow with our friends.
Literacy - Reading, enjoying, performing and analysing Kenning poems.
Our Lower Key Stage Carol Service.
Design Technology - Tasting and evaluating our Healthy Sandwiches.
DT - Making our healthy sandwich snacks.
Photos from our Well-being Day.
Our Class Collective Worship
In Science we have been investigating the question - Do people with the longest femurs jump the furthest?
Investigating replica Stone Age artefacts.
We enjoyed a basketball session with Dave from the Lancashire Sports Partnership Team. We learnt to control the ball with both hands and used this to score points in a game. It was a fun introductory session. Thank you!
We are really focussing on learning our Times Tables facts by heart.
We are using lots of different games to help us recall these facts more quickly. Times Table Bump is lots of fun!
In RE our topic this half term is 'Homes'.
We have been reading St. Paul's letters of advice and have been writing recipes for a Happy Home.
In Computing we are learning all about ANIMATION this half term.
Welcome to Year 3 Letter
Here are some of our animations. We have used iMotion.
Look at what we will be learning this Half Term
Look at what we will be learning this Half Term
Welcome to Year 3 - Parent Letter