Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

Welcome to Year 5!

Keep checking this page throughout the year for updates on our learning journey. 

Year 5 Residential to Crosby Hall (CHET) - September/October 2024

2/10/24 - The children woke up after a second good night's sleep. After a hearty breakfast, they enjoyed a morning of activities on the outdoor adventure course and all had a chance to zoom down the zip wire (even the teachers had a go too!). After a final day's lunch we said our goodbyes and headed back to school. An adventurous time was had by all! 

More photos from CHET...

1/10/24 - The children have enjoyed a second full-packed day of activities. Last night, the children enjoyed an evening of craft and settled down with a movie night before bed. Today they were thrilled to enjoy archery and some outdoor activities such as climbing, abseiling and shelter building.

The children have behaved brilliantly and shown excellent team work, encouraging each other and being brave when faced with challenges.

30/9/24 - We have safely arrived at CHET! The children have settled into their rooms, made their beds and met the staff who will be guiding us through the activities over the next few days.

Science Lessons

This term, the children are learning about mixtures and separation. In one lesson they have been striking gold—literally!

The children have been learning all about mixtures and this week the focus was 'methods of separation'. They enjoyed a hands-on activity that explored the process of sieving soil in search of "gold nuggets."
The children also considered how different materials can be separated based on the size and properties of their particles.

Welcome Letter

Class Photo (September 2024)