Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

Year 1

English - Harry The Happy Mouse

The children have been reading the story of Harry the Happy Mouse. We have written a story together about Harry's adventures and the children have created their own story about Max the Mole.


Comparing amounts 


Rhyming words- After learning to perform the rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock we have made and written our own rhymes.


Moving in different ways and rolling skills.


It started with a door. What could be behind it?

The clues told us it could be a mouse.

We need to leave some cheese.

Learning to play handball, coached by Dave from South Ribble. 

A busy first week in Year 1

Gulliver's World

This week we have been learning about growing up and how to keep our bodies safe. Please look at the NSPCC website for more information.

Transition Day

Sports Day fun in the sun.

Sports Day races - there was sprinting, jumping and the obstacle race of course!

RE- Being Sorry end of topic celebration

RE - The story of Zacchaeus - Jesus forgives us when we make wrong choices.

PSHE - How to get help in a emergency

Dance - Under the Sea

English - At the Seaside - writing a story about a holiday to Lytham

RE - Celebrating Holidays and Holy Days and the Holy Spirit

Maths - learning all about doubles

Road Safety - Stop at the kerb

Dance - The children and Louise have been working together to create a dance routine to the song 'Supercalifragilisticexpioalidocious'. Here are some clips from our wonderful performance.