Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

Year 1

Gulliver's World

This week we have been learning about growing up and how to keep our bodies safe. Please look at the NSPCC website for more information.

Transition Day

Sports Day fun in the sun.

Sports Day races - there was sprinting, jumping and the obstacle race of course!

RE- Being Sorry end of topic celebration

RE - The story of Zacchaeus - Jesus forgives us when we make wrong choices.

PSHE - How to get help in a emergency

Dance - Under the Sea

English - At the Seaside - writing a story about a holiday to Lytham

RE - Celebrating Holidays and Holy Days and the Holy Spirit

Maths - learning all about doubles

Road Safety - Stop at the kerb

Dance - The children and Louise have been working together to create a dance routine to the song 'Supercalifragilisticexpioalidocious'. Here are some clips from our wonderful performance.

RE - The children heard the story of the Stations of the Cross from our Year 3 children.

Maths - measuring height and length.

PE - Kicking 

The children used their skills to create team games.

PSHE - Water Safety

Canal and River Trust Talk

PSHE - What can we do with money?

Things that we need and things that we want.

Maths- Using subtraction to find the difference.

Yoga Festival

PE - kicking a ball with control.

Computers - we have been learning that objects have many different labels and they can be used to put them into groups.

Music - learning a song and playing along keeping a steady beat.

Gymnastics - creating a sequence including a jump, a balance and different ways of travelling.

The Dog's Trust - Be Dog Smart


Art - using and mixing primary colours.

PSHE - What can help to keep teeth healthy and what might damage teeth?

RE - the words that the priest uses to welcome people to Mass on Sunday.

The children enjoyed fun in the snow before writing a snow poem inspired by the morning’s events.

English - The Train Ride

Computers - Instructing Blue Bot to move around the map of town.

Maths - Counting objects and grouping into tens and ones.

Our final week of the term still with lots of learning, fun, reflection and prayer.

Well done everyone.

Another busy week at school which started with our visit to the Mosque. The children were wonderful and enjoyed finding out about different rituals when you go to the Mosque to pray.

Maths- addition facts finding number bonds to 10.

Throwing and catching- using our skills in a game.

RE - celebrating our topic called Belonging. We looked back at our own christening photos and talked about the work that we have remembered and enjoyed. 

A Visit to the Mosque

A snap shot of our week in Year 1

Maths - adding using the part whole model and recording the addition sum using symbols.

DT - making sliders.

PSHE - continuing to find out about how to be a good friend.

Computers - using the shapes and fill option in Paint to make a picture in the style of the artist Mondrian.

PSHE & British Values - voting on what are school playground should be used for.

Anti - Bullying and Well Being Week

In Gymnastics we are creating sequencing that include extending our arms and legs. The children are perfecting their pencil roll and are creating different shapes and balances.

Today we linked together our English and Computer work. We created firework pictures showing what we saw on Bonfire Night and we used different tools from the Paint program to create our pictures.

We are starting to add numbers up to 10 using the part - whole model.

In English we are studying poetry. The children have been working this week to create a group poem celebrating Autumn.

We have been learning how to catch and bounce a ball ad have been learning a team relay game using our skills.

Just look how busy we have been this week.

Maths - sequencing numbers up to 20.

English - writing sentences.

Computers - logging on and logging off.

RE- learning about other religions.

The School council spoke to the class about their work to collect coats and how we can help homeless people.

Autumn Wellie Walk

We had a fantastic walk around our school noting the signs of the changing seasons. We looked out for signs of Autumn and found changing coloured leaves, mushrooms seeds. During our walk we stopped to take time to thank God for our wonderful world.

A visit from medal winning Olympian Daniel Purvis

In Year 1 we are always practising our reading. This week we have been learning about speech bubbles and have been writing our own sentences in speech bubbles. Here are some photos of our other activities too.

This week we have been...

drawing self - portraits in Art,

practising our colour breathing as part of our My Happy Mind work,

planting our winter flowers in Science and lots lots more.


Another busy week in Year 1. Here are some of the things that we have been doing.

Maths - writing numbers using words.

English - reading and writing about the story Dogger.

Phonics - practising 'a super segment and a brilliant blend, helps us hear the word at the end'.

Computers - practising using our mouse skills and logging on and off the computer.

PE - rolling different equipment through a goal.

A week in Year 1

In our second week we have been getting used to the class routines that we have in Year 1 during our English, Maths and PE lessons. The children have enjoyed developing their independence as they carry out their tasks.

A wonderful day at Blackpool Zoo.

Computers - We have developed our skills using the Paint programme to create a map of the Year 2 classroom.

Sports Day 2023

What a sporting week it's been. We enjoyed fun in the sun trying out new activities and racing against our class mates. Well done Year 1 for always trying your very best!


We completed our computer work by designing our own piece of art work using the paint program and choosing our favourite tools to make the picture.


Working with numbers up to 100.

Dance from the Heart 

Year 1 joined in with all of the other classes, staff and dance leaders from South Ribble to celebrate this year's event.


3D drawings

English - Designing a poster to encourage pupils to look after our environment.

Maths - Finding a quarter of an amount.

PE - Throwing underarm.

The children said:

Today we had to throw a beanbag into a hoop accurately. We had to throw underarm.

We threw a ball to a partner. We have to throw it slowly and point to where we want it to go.

Maths - halving objects and amounts.

Computers - using ICT skills to create pictures in the style of Kandinsky.


Acrostic poems - Lytham long ago

Environmental Guardians


Practising creating sculptures with play dough

Here are our acrostic poems about the seaside. They are brilliant!


We can name the capital cities of the United Kingdom, name local seaside towns and we can find the places on a map.


We used a new program called Paint 3D to practise using different tools and to draw a self - portrait.

We are starting to learn about multiplication and have been making arrays, arranging objects into rows of equal amounts and recording the addition sum.

Football Event

Environmental Guardians 

Chris the Jump Rope Coach

Happy Easter Everyone!

Easter Hats

Eater Parade

Celebration Assembly - Change

PE - Dance

Today we continued our dance work but this time we danced with our partners and created our own routine.

Easter Bingo Winners

PE - Dance

The children have worked so hard each week with Louise to create and perfect their dance this term. We hope that you enjoy the clips and photos just as much as we did.

The children were absolutely fabulous!!


The children have started learning about newpaper reports, so they started by being reporters! The children had to watch a clip about a tiger who had to visit the vets to have teeth removed. After watching the article the children wrote down their story ideas.


To celebrate the end of our RE topic, Meals we went to the Prayer Garden on a beautiful sunny day and shared snack together. We looked back at our work and shared the things that we have remembered. 

We have been learning the Lord's Prayer, the Our Father and have been learning the words that are said during Mass when the priest blesses the bread and wine.

PE - Dance

Today Louise began teaching us our new dance. Continuing our work about London we are dancing to the song 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' from the film, Mary Poppins.

It was only week one and the children were brilliant at remembering the sequence of moves and moving in time to the music.

Maths - Measuring

The children have been using non - standards measurements to measure items in the classroom. They have been using blocks to measure tall and short objects.

The Queen's Hat

We have started our new topic this week. We have been reading the story The Queen's Hat and today the children made a word mat writing down the London landmarks from the story.

PE - Dance

Today the children performed a dance to re- tell the story The Queen's Hat.