Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Year 1 - History and Art
  • Year 5 - Industrial Revolution topic
    This week we have been learning about the six main factors that shaped the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
  • Reception’s Pumpkin Fun!
    Please ask your child about hitting wooden nails into the pumpkins! Please don’t let them know it’s a tricky way to build up the strength in their hands ready for writing whilst also improving their hand and eye coordination!
  • Year 4 - Dance
    We completed our dance on Tuesday with Louise.
  • Y2 Science
    We have been looking at Animals including Humans and this week looked at how animals change as they get older.
  • Year 1- A Trip to the Woods
    Today we had an experience day on the field to help us with ideas for our writing in Literacy next week.
  • Year 4 - RE
    We have been hot seating Samuel today.
  • Year 4 - DT
    We have finished our electrical times table games.
  • Eco Warriors!
    This week our brand new 'Eco Warriors' team met for the first time to discuss ideas of how to improve our school environment and consider how best to protect the world around us.
  • Y6 Practical maths
    We have been revising and embedding our times tables facts by doing lots of different fun games and activities.
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