Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Reception and Year 1 have news!!!
    A box with 6 eggs inside was found in the school garden today asking for help. Our Reception and Year 1 children have been thinking how we can "help" the eggs to hatch. After lots of ideas in both classes the eggs are now safely in an incubator.
  • Year 1 Celebration Dance
    Year 1 completed their dance lessons with Louise by performing outdoors, in front of the Year 2 children.
  • Year 5 Environmental Guardians
  • Year 5 Science
  • Year 4 Easter
    We have enjoyed a lovely Collective Worship in the garden to celebrate the end of our topic in RE.
  • Year 3 Science Escape Room
    Today the children enjoyed testing their science learning about SOUND by working in small teams to crack the code and escape the room.
  • Year 3 Holy Week RE work
    The children have produced some very reflective work based on our topic Giving All.
  • Holy Week Boxes
    Throughout the week, the teachers and children have been learning about the events of Holy Week using a few simple props in a tiny cardboard box.
  • FAO Reception parents
    Please look out for sunflower seeds coming home tonight.
  • Year 1 Cricket
    Year 1 had a great time on Monday as they practised their cricket skills with Greg our school cricket coach.
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