Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

  1. News
  2. We did it!!!

We did it!!!

19 October 2019 (by Victoria Woosey)

We completed our jigsaw of the United Kingdom.

A few weeks ago, the class were bought a new jigsaw that had all the major cities of the U.K. on it and a small group of determined children have been spending any wet play/lunch adding a piece here and there...finding the pieces to build landmarks such as Anfield Football Stadium or Edinburgh Castle... in order to create the full picture. It has been a labour of love but they have shown commitment and enthusiasm. Finally this week they managed to put the final piece in and were ecstatic as can be seen in the photo. Well done children.

The jigsaw stayed complete for one day then was dismantled ready for a new batch of jigsaw fans to give it a go!!