Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

  1. News
  2. News
  3. Year 6 - Neighbourhood Talk

Year 6 - Neighbourhood Talk

29 January 2018 (by Martin Gaughan)

Year 6 enjoy their talk about taking care of our neighbourhood.

Mrs Buller from South Ribble Borough Council provided Year 6 with a very informative session about how to take care of our neighbourhood. Topics covered included dog fouling, recycling, litter, graffiti and taking care of our parks and other public spaces. The children were fully engaged throughout and showed a genuine understanding and appreciation of the areas discussed. I was very impressed with their mature questions and answers and how they projected their responsible nature. Well done Year 6 and thank you Mrs Buller.