Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

  1. News
  2. Year 4 - Science

Year 4 - Science

22 April 2022 (by Cheryl Wallace (Cheryl Wallace))

This half term we are learning about plants.

We have been revising the different parts of the plant including the stem, leaves, flower and roots and learning about the different functions they have.   

Thank you to all the children for bringing in your plants, they have really brightened up our classroom and we have enjoyed looking at them.  We are going to use them on Tuesday to do some observational drawings.  If you would like to take your plant home after this, then this is absolutely fine.  However, if you are happy for them to stay in school until the end of this half term, that would be great.