Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

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  3. Year 6 Reward

Year 6 Reward

5 November 2021 (by Sarah Bradley (Sarah Bradley))

Climbing Frame Fun

Last half term, we set 6 children a secret mission to achieve. This was personal to them. If they achieved their mission in secret, they were told that they would be rewarded with 20 minutes of golden time.

Examples of the missions were:
- Not calling out
- Accepting a compliment
- Giving others an opportunity to lead in group work

At the end of last half term, we revealed this to our other pupils and discussed the mission which these children had been on. They were all very proud of themselves as they were awarded a combined time of 70 minutes. They were then asked to choose an activity for the rest of the class. They asked if they could have some time on the climbing frame.

Here are some pictures of them enjoying this reward.