Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

Contact Us

Address: St Mary Magdalen Catholic Primary School

                 Buller Avenue,


                 PR1 9QQ


Phone:  01772 742351


Headteacher:              Mrs C McKinnon

Deputy headteacher: Mrs V Woosey

Chair of Governors:    Dr J Brennan

SENDco:                       Mrs J Briscoe



Designated Safeguarding Lead:                 Mrs C McKinnon

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs V Woosey; Mrs N Nolan-Williams; Mrs S Bradley

Our school office staff are Mrs Montgomery & Mrs Doherty.


If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please register their absence on Parentmail. If you need a message to get to your child then please ring.  Please do not email messages re absence or appointments to Mrs McKinnon or your child's class teacher.

The school phone number is: 01772 742351


To email Mrs Doherty: bursar@st-marymagdalen.lancs.sch.uk

To email Mrs Montgomery: office@st-marymagdalen.lancs.sch.uk


If you would like to let OFSTED know about our school please follow the link:



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